essential oils

What The Heck Is Propylene Glycol?

propylene glycol
We are the first generation to be exposed to petrochemicals everywhere. Some we can do nothing about, they are present in the air, water, and earth. Others we voluntarily put on our skin in the form of shampoo, cleaners, toothpaste, and lotions, and some we put in our mouth in the form of “food”. Did you know? Everything that comes...
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9 Stress Reducing Tips

It is no secret that stress negatively impacts our health. In fact, it is one of the top three factors in the development of chronic disease, including cancer. According to Chris Wark, cancer survivor via natural solutions, the top three contributors of 79 – 95% of cancers, are: diet & lifestyle, environment, & stress. Common sense guides us to know...
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Why I Choose doTERRA Essential Oils

There are many reasons why I choose doTERRA essential oils.  Integrity, honesty, transparency, and co-impacting sourcing are a few of the reasons.  I have been using essential oils for about 14 years now. When I transitioned from a well-known essential oil company to doTERRA, I experienced undeniable, incomparable, and absolutely remarkable results in my health and well-being. There is no...
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8 Toxic Age Promoting Ingredients

Most of us live our lives with trust and faith that we are protected by the individual agencies that govern our society. Unfortunately, the truth has come into the light over the past 2 decades, that we simply can not blindly trust the countless toxic age promoting ingredients in products that are being marketed to us via all forms of...
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8 Tips for Starting Your Own Organic Garden

Each year, I long for the warmest of spring days to arrive so that I may enjoy being outdoors and begin planting organic herbs, vegetables, and flowers.  There is just something about being outside in nature that makes me feel alive.  Most importantly, is how sweet it is, to savor the taste of fresh picked lettuces, kale, parsley, mint, and...
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