Engage in the present moment • Intend to live with a positive outlook & purpose • Connect with sensory perceptions, thoughts, & emotions • Forgive & give gratitude • Let go of judgment • Exercise & manage stress • Live life with full awareness • Visualize desired outcomes • Enjoy the here and now
My first introduction to learning how to set intentions, began well over a decade ago, when I discovered The Intender’s of the Highest Good community. This community is centered in light and all things positive. It was created by author and visionary, Tony Burroughs. It is the fastest growing grassroots intentional community in the United States, and it has been...
It is no secret that stress negatively impacts our health. In fact, it is one of the top three factors in the development of chronic disease, including cancer. According to Chris Wark, cancer survivor via natural solutions, the top three contributors of 79 – 95% of cancers, are: diet & lifestyle, environment, & stress. Common sense guides us to know...
There are many reasons why I choose doTERRA essential oils. Integrity, honesty, transparency, and co-impacting sourcing are a few of the reasons. I have been using essential oils for about 14 years now. When I transitioned from a well-known essential oil company to doTERRA, I experienced undeniable, incomparable, and absolutely remarkable results in my health and well-being. There is no...
Do you have a purpose in life that motivates you to get out of bed each morning? Do you set forth each day with positive intentions to make a difference in the life of another human being? Do you enjoy the life you currently lead? As human beings, it is our birthright to be happy, yet there are so many...
Learning to swim is one of the most essential skills that all human beings on this earth must learn to do. The ability to swim with strength and obtain knowledge of safety precautions, can make the difference between life & death, at any given age. If you are planning to raise children, already raising children, or have not yet learned to...