Mini Quotation Cards for Valentine’s Day

It’s fun to design these mini quotation cards with a variety of card-stock and unique papers. As an artist educator, I save scraps of just about everything, because whether I’m in my home art studio or classroom art studio, I put everything to good use and up-cycle as much as possible. If you love to create using the collage technique, this will be a fun and easy project for you! Your designs can be as simple as you choose them to be. It is equally rewarding to give these mini cards to others as it is to create them. Enjoy the process of creating and giving!
- Card stock or hand cast paper
- Scraps of interesting papers with patterns & textures
- Scraps of interesting textiles & surfaces
- White Glue or Tacky Glue
- Double Stick Tape
- Fine Point Permanent Markers
- Heart Paper Punch
- Pad of decorative paper
- Stick on Jewels
- Fun string or yarn
- Findings of saved charms, old jewelry, old buttons, and more!
Ideas for Giving:
- Present your mini cards in an old heart shaped chocolate box that you have up-cycled or re-designed.
- Fill a mason jar with candy and place your mini cards on top.
- Hand write all of the quotations or type & paste them into each mini card.
- Give this sweet handmade gift any time of year, to any age, and anyone you care about.
- Decorate your mini cards with glitter glue and confetti.
- Write a simple message from the heart rather than from my list below.
Who to Give To:
- Give one a year (each Valentine’s Day) to your loved one or each family member.
- Leave a mini card in your child’s lunch box.
- Place a mini card on a colleagues desk.
- Package and give a mini card assortment to a single girlfriend to brighten her day.
- Visit an assisted living home and give a mini card to each resident.
- Surprise your mail carrier with a mini card for him or her, in your mailbox.
Quotations on Love:
- Love one another.
- Put love on in the morning and wear it all day long.
- What we say is important my friend, for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of, but a pure heart is mirrored not just by what we say, but by all facets of the life we live.
- Love is an unlimited resource – don’t limit it’s use!
- When your heart is loving, my friend, you feel the presence of the Spirit that lives within you and those around you reap the benefits of your patience, your kindness, your caring, and your joyfulness.
- Love radiates through a smile
- Actions speak louder than words about the true condition of the heart and those in whose lives the Spirit burns brightly are often quiet souls who carry out the work of love without banner waving.
- The wonderful thing about love is that it embraces without binding.
- Faith is – truth beyond the grip of logic – a silent knowing – time refined to a purpose – God focused into love – and seeds eternal gardened in the mind.
- Putting love on your lips is of little value unless it also lives within your heart.
- Act with love in the place where you live.
- We should never be so presumptuous as to judge others who do not believe as we do – but if someone’s way of life is not filled with loving, caring, giving, and sharing, then perhaps our example in those areas may serve to open the closed mind and to soften the hardened heart.
- Whatever you do in the name of Love, my friend, is never useless, never harmful, and though not always seen or recognized, never without its rewards.
- The more loving you become, the better you will feel, the better those around you will feel, and the more you will be in harmony with the Creator’s richly fulfilling plan for your life.
- Love is one thing you can’t keep to yourself.
References & Books for Quotations:
- Quotations on Love – compiled by Rosalie Maggio
- A Thousand Paths to Love – David Baird
- The Book of Love – Andrews and McMeel Publishing
- Love Is All You Need – Andrews and McMeel Publishing
Essential Activity:
Take the time for yourself to create for your own satisfaction and for giving to others. Creativity is a form of mindful meditation and it is here to stay. “It has a force all its own that lives beyond us and becomes written into the universe” –Anthony William. Create on your own, with your children, with your students, with your parents, with your friends. Make time for creativity, for it is essential to your health, happiness, and well-being.

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