Make-a-Date Sticks

Are you looking for a creative way to remind yourself that it’s ok to schedule time for fun? Most of us are overwhelmed with responsibility and our daily routines. We may easily lose sight of what it means to live in joy, happily ever after – for real!  Consider giving this jar of “Make-a-Date sticks” to your hubby, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, parents, or as a family gift. Enjoy each activity, set it aside, and after all activities have been enjoyed, repeat!

Using wide wooden craft sticks will make it easier to write each message and fit it all on each stick. Use an extra fine point or ultra fine point permanent marker for writing. Black & red will stand out nicely. Up-cycle a glass jar and decorate it as you wish. Modify the list below to reflect the fun that you would like to share with your loved ones.


Make-a-Date Idea List:

  • Share where you want to be in 5 – 10 years
  • Play a card game
  • Dance to your favorite music
  • Read something together
  • Write your dream story together
  • Grab take out and eat by candlelight
  • Make a dessert together
  • Write a gratitude list together
  • Go on an island vacation
  • Plan a NYC Adventure
  • Make delicious smoothies
  • Visit an art gallery or a museum
  • Go see a movie in the theatre
  • Play pool and games at your local hangout
  • Design a vision board together
  • Write intentions and manifest them
  • Go to a local park or nature sanctuary
  • Give each other a foot rub
  • Enjoy funny You Tube videos
  • Create a fun video together
  • Share 5 goals over a snack & drink
  • Play a board game
  • Create a gourmet meal together
  • Tackle a fun project
  • Write a bucket list & share
  • Make a board on Pinterest of places to visit
  • Go to a live concert

Package Ideas:

  • Wrap your creation in a cellophane bag and tie with ribbon, twine, or string of your choice.
  • Wrap your Make-a-Date Jar in tissue and place into a gift bag with handles.

Essential Activity:

Earth is like a giant classroom.  We are here on earth to learn, grow, and evolve.  But we are also here on earth to play and have fun.  Laughter, joy, fun, and any happy experience that we create, is what makes our existence so sweet. Ask yourself, “when was the last time I did something really fun?”.  If it was yesterday or within the past week, well that’s awesome!…keep up the great work!  If it’s been a while because life has taken hold of every ounce of your time, map out a plan to carve out some fun time for you to share with your loved ones.  Start with creating these Make-a-Date sticks.  By giving them to others, you will be accountable to making these experiences come to fruition.  Schedule your Make-a-Dates on the calendar.  And one last reminder, get up, go out, laugh, smile, and have fun. Earth is your playground, feel the joy.

Enjoy Making More DIY Valentine’s Day creations:

Mini Quotation Cards for Valentine’s Day, Love, & Friendship

Love Bugs Craft for Kids



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