Healthy Body, Healthy You

What do you value in life? Do you value your family, your car, your home, your wardrobe, your computer, your cell phone, your jewelry, your golf clubs, your career, your bank account? If you were to compare how much effort and money you put into all that you value in life, how does it compare to how you nurture and value your own physical body? Without a healthy physical body, one is unable to fully enjoy all that life has to offer, including everything on your “valued” list. Take the time to read on and participate in the assignment below. Changes come about with self-reflection and the start of a new season is the perfect time for new beginnings!
Value A Healthy Body
If we are to live an abundant life in perfect health, we must take care of our physical bodies. Do you value your health and well-being? If you said yes, then you are already on the right track. Choosing to care for your physical body will support you in all facets of daily living. A large majority of us today, face a wide variety of physical body challenges. We are challenged daily with environmental, agricultural, and political issues that are simply out of control and seem out of our control. The most pressing concern today is the food that we eat. Our diet today is immensely deficient. Did you know that over 40,000 chemicals are found in our food today? Additionally, the soil is depleted of minerals and nutrients, and a large majority of what we consume is genetically modified. It is imperative that we remain aware of the fast growing chemically engineered food movement, that is supported by our politicians, who are influenced by big corporations.
Make Better Choices
Be mindful of this fact: Genetically Modified Organism’s are linked to: cancer, infertility, sterility, gluten allergies, Morgellon’s Disease, kidney & liver damage, and death. There is a very long list of additional diseases that are linked to GMO’s. Search the web, read the links on this home page, subscribe to the Organic Consumers Association for free, and stay informed. Avoid GMO’s as best as you can. Choose only organic foods, and food products that are labeled to be GMO free. Shop at your local Coop or Natural Foods Market where you know that all products offered are real food from the earth and safe to eat. Grow any type of nourishing plants and herbs that you can in your home. Trade your harvests with neighbors and friends.
Supplement your diet with pure therapeutic grade essential oils and supplements. Rely only on Essential Oil products that are third party tested and distilled in a way that keeps all of the natural chemical constituents in tact.
Counteract Environmental Pollution
This pollution includes air, water, changes in ozone, chemicals in homes and at work, and electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, televisions, appliances, and more. Refer to the information on this website for guidance on how to detox, support, and protect your body from environmental pollution. Drink filtered water in order to avoid chlorines, flouride, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, and a wide variety of harmful chemicals.
Finding a way to incorporate fitness into your weekly routine takes discipline and dedication. The endorphins that are released during exercise will no doubt improve one’s mood. It is important to keep our hearts pumping and metabolism thriving. Simply going for a walk in your neighborhood is a great start. Another tip is to partner with a friend and commit to the days and times that you will exercise together.
Boost Your Energy
If you need a boost in your energy to get you started on your exercise path each day, take an Energy & Stamina Complex that contains standardized plant extracts and metabolic cofactors of cellular energy. A formula such as this supports healthy mitochondrial function of ATP in the mitochondria of cells, enhances stamina & efficient use of oxygen, supports metabolic adaptation for diverse activities, from movie watching to marathon running, improves mental energy, helps to reduce the effects of fatigue and stress, supports regeneration of cells from damage caused by molecules known as free radicals, and promotes healthy circulation.
Anything that you are challenged by with your physical body can be addressed with the right approach and a nurturing support system.
A Vision for Wellness
“We see a world where wellness is the watchword of the day; where humanity has realized, oh-so-clearly, that we are wise to hold a vision of ourselves and others in the highest light – happy, healthy, vibrant, joyous, creative, and living our calling to the fullest.
We see a world where supporting sickness in others, having a vested interest in illnesses of any kind, naming, creating, advertising, and reinforcing diseases, being sympathetic instead of empathetic, being dependent on big pharmaceutical companies who have profit as their first priority, believing things are contagious, experimenting with vaccines, and so forth have gone by the wayside because we have begun to use light, to bring Spirit/Source into the picture, and to use positive envisioning and love to heal one another.
Can you imagine a world like this? It is a world where we are all living in peak health because that is all we are putting our attention on.” – The Intender’s of the Highest Good
Essential Activity:
Make a list of everything that you value in life. Rank each item according to what you have been valuing most in life. Then make a new list that encompasses how you wish to re-organize your priorities. Explore wellness options that can protect you from debilitating and deadly dis-ease. If you are in need of making positive wellness changes in your life, contact me for a strategy session.
Essential Oil Disclaimer:
I only use essential oils from the true leading essential oil company in the world – doTERRA. Based on personal experience and scientific knowledge, it is even more dangerous to inhale and impure essential oil, than it is to ingest and apply it. I once got headaches from essential oils that claimed to be therapeutic grade from a company who claimed to be the world leader in essential oils. Those essential oils proved to be fragrance oils, as over time, I developed fragrance toxicity.
A true certified pure therapeutic grade essential oil will not make you feel any level of dis-ease. As the marketplace becomes flooded with essential oil companies who make untrue claims, please be mindful of what you bring into your homes. The energy of impurity is simply not healthy for the energy of you or your home. Keep it simple, keep it pure, choose well, choose doTERRA for safety, purity, and results that work like magic. I am living proof. Remember, happy, healthy, and free is your birthright and smart choices equals vitality plus success.

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