Sweet Potato Hummus

I’m always looking for ways to eat as healthy as I possibly can.  Shopping at my local Coop gives me an opportunity to seek out smart food choices.  I typically gain inspiration to create prepared foods similar to the prepared foods that I have enjoyed over the years.  Very recently, I discovered a new deliciously satisfying treat – Sweet Potato Hummus.  I set out to duplicate the flavor of the small batch hummus I purchased, and I think I came pretty close!

The recipe I created is GMO Free, Gluten Free, Paleo, Organic, and Macro Vegetarian.  It is perfect to dip your favorite raw organic veggies into.  Dip into this savory healthy appetizer with snap peas, string beans, celery, peppers, carrots, and cucumbers.  Sweet Potato Hummus is packed with nutrients that fuel vitality:  Fiber, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Manganese, and Copper.  Add the ingredients to your next shopping list and enjoy the process of creating and enjoying real food that tastes great.


30 minutes


8 – 10



  1. Peel all of the sweet potatoes and cut into small chunks.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add salt, and add the sweet potatoes.
  3. It will take 20 – 25 minutes for the flesh of the sweet potatoes to soften.  When they sink to the bottom, they are ready to be mashed.
  4. Drain the sweet potatoes and mash with a potato masher.
  5. As the sweet potatoes are cooling, add the remaining ingredients, blending each with a spatula, one at a time.
  6. Feel free to add a bit more of the seasonings and flavor to taste.

Serving Twist:

During cooler months, serve warm as a side dish.

sweet potato hummus with some ingredients

Essential Activity:

Take a look at the foods you eat on a daily basis?  Are they actually of the earth or are they engineered and packaged in plastic bags and cardboard boxes.  Food that is alive is what we call “real food”.  Real food gives us vitality and sustains good health.  Take the Life Force Energy challenge:  eat a chip or cracker out of a bag or box, then eat a vegetable dipped into sweet potato hummus…how do you feel when eating each one?  In time, as you eat more foods that are “alive”, you will “feel” the difference between packaged food and “living” food.  Cheers to your vitality and willingness to embrace this smart lifestyle choice.

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes:

  1. Sweet Potatoes starve out unproductive bacteria and fungi (mold) in the tummy, small intestine, and colon while promoting the good bacteria in those areas that are much needed for a strong immune system.
  2. Sweet potatoes halt the proliferation of C. difficile, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, E. Coli, H. pylori, Chlamydia, and other bacteria.
  3. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-carotene.
  4. The lycopene combined with amino acids in sweet potatoes, draws radiation from the body.  This is a wonderful way of protecting the body from daily electromagnetic frequency radiation that comes from wifi, cell phones, microwaves, and smart home devices.
  5. Sweet potatoes rid the body of destructive cancer causing estrogen that interferes with the body’s hormone function.  Harmful estrogens come from plastics, pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, and poor food choices.
  6. Sweet potatoes provide a form of glucose that stimulates neurotransmitters which supports sleep.
  7. There are many health conditions that are supported by sweet potatoes, including a variety of cancers.  Sweet potatoes support the heart, kidneys, brain, adrenals, skin, stomach, hair growth, anti-aging and more.

sweet potato hummus served on table with vegetables


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