Clean Air

Biological Contaminants

Is your home, workplace, classroom, children’s daycare/school – free of biological contaminants?

Biological contaminants are living things or produced by something that is alive.  They include mold, house dust, bacteria, viruses, animal dander, cat saliva, pollen, cockroach parts and mites.

Bacteria, Viruses, Molds, and Pollen are types of biological contaminants that may breed in stagnant water that has accumulated in humidifiers & drain pans, ducts, ceiling tiles, carpeting, or insulation.

Many biological contaminants are small enough to be inhaled.  Even though all biological contaminants will not necessarily create dis-ease, they can still trigger allergic reactions.  While bacteria and viruses can cause infections, it is mold that creates a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms in people who live in homes and spend time in classrooms with dampness, visible mold growth, and detectable musty odors.

Chemical Contaminants

Petrochemicals are everywhere!  It is not exactly a celebration to be the first generation that is exposed to these poisons in almost everything and every place we inhabit.  We even choose to voluntarily breathe in and put many of these petrochemicals on our skin, including: mainstream commercial hand soaps & hand sanitizers, deodorants, perfumes, and chemical laden lotions.  Since the skin absorbs 70% of what we put on it, we damage the receptor sites for touch, taste, vision, smell, hormones, pain, hearing & equilibrium – when we use products that contain petrochemicals. With a microfilm cover of chemicals in our bodies, our cells are unable to take in hormones and nourishment that enable them to heal our bodies.

In addition to personal care products, research shows that cleaning agents may emit volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), including formaldehyde.  Some VOC’s can cause chronic and acute health effects at high concentrations.  Even low to moderate levels of multiple VOC’s may produce acute reactions.

Pollutants from motor vehicle exhausts, plumbing vents, and building exhausts such as bathrooms & kitchens can also enter the building through poorly located air intake vents, windows, and other openings.  Chemicals being sprayed in plain sight above us in the outside air, as well as on the ground, also put our lungs and other organs under constant attack.  Aerial sprayed chemicals contain heavy metals such as barium, aluminum and strontium, which makes the body acidic and leads to brain deterioration.

Indoor air pollution can also come from carpeting, upholstery, manufactured wood (ie. new desks), and copy machines.  Consider the materials that are used in many offices and both mainstream & art studio classrooms such as:  adhesives, ceramic glazes, plaster, clay, paints, and inhalants (ie., markers).  Put these pollutants together with poor ventilation and the result is poor air quality that can exacerbate pre-existing health conditions as well as create new health problems over time.


When heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are not properly maintained, they will not effectively distribute air to people in the building, which could create a ventilation inadequacy.  In some buildings, there may even be rooms that are not properly equipped with up to date standards of ventilation. Changing filters on a regular basis along with maintaining proper humidity levels is essential.

A Solution that Works

I diffuse essential oils in my home.  I purchase my essential oils from the leading essential oils company in the world.  My favorite essential oil blend is called Protective Blend.  It contains all of the same ingredients that the previously mentioned blend does, with the exception of Lemon.  Wild Orange is used in place of lemon and it is sourced from the rind of oranges that are grown in the mountains of Italy.  This essential oils company also sells Protective Blend beadlets that can be placed under the tongue for immune support when entering into less than favorable environments, such as an airplane, school, or hospital.

Essential Oils for Clean Air

Diffusing certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils offers support for environmental threats.  My favorite essential oils and blends to diffuse are the Protective Blend, Respiratory Blend, Cleansing Blend, & Wild Orange.  When the most recent hurricane hit the northeast, many people in my circle of friends turned to their essential oils & diffusers to clean up the air in their homes.  They also sprayed essential oils and the Cleansing Blend cleaner directly on carpeting, furniture, and walls.  This blend contains:  lemon, lime, pine, citronella, melaleuca, and cilantro.  Cleansing Blend eradicates unpleasant odors, clears the air, protects against environmental threats and has a refreshing aroma.  As an alternative to mainstream products that mask odors, I love using Cleansing Blend in my laundry as a healthy and smart consumer choice.  Cleansing Blend can also be added to paint to reduce the strong odorous fumes.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. As members offer or look for answers, kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance – thus helping the body’s natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to “treat” medical problems.